Bioconda, UpSetR, and Snakemake

Liang-Bo Wang (亮亮), 2016-12-27

Bioconda, UpSetR, and Snakemake

By Liang2 under CC 4.0 BY license

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R & Python are used together in bioinfo

My personal preference for an analysis pipeline:

Project-wise environment isolation

More importantly, how to create isolation for both Python and R?

conda manages everything

Install conda itself

(Well, it is pretty much a "Python" thing...)

No matter what version one installed, all can create identical environments

Conda be installed by pyenv.

Conda usage

conda install numpy matplotlib  # install new packages
conda list                # list installed packages
conda update              # check if newer version exists
conda remove numpy scipy  # remove packages
conda clean --all         # clean caches and unused packages

Conda environment

Create isolated environments using different python version and installed packages, managed via conda env ...

$ conda create -n VENV_NAME python=3.5  # create a new env
$ source activate VENV_NAME  # activate env
(VENV_NAME) $                # inside the isolated env
(VENV_NAME) $ conda install ...
(VENV_NAME) $ deactivate

Conda channels

Manage R environment using conda

R itself and r packages are available in r channel. All related dependencies are managed and automatically installed.

# plain r installation
conda install --channel r r
# install new R package (ex. ggplot2)
conda install --channel r r-ggplot2

Multiple R versions or settings can exist in separate conda environments.


Bioconda setup

conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda config --add channels defaults
conda config --add channels r
conda config --add channels bioconda

Note that the order of the channels the order of package discovery.

Bioconda usage

conda install bwa bowtie       # install non-py/r tools
conda install samtools=0.1.19  # specify tool version
conda install r-upsetr       # install r pkg
conda install bioconductor-rsamtools  # r pkg on bioconductor

Ref: Receipt information page for r package rsamtools on Bioconductor

What if my packages are not supported?


Visualizing intersecting sets

What visualization will you use to visualize the intersection of sets?

Use Venn diagram!

Plot a Venn diagram

There are multiple online / R tools:

Number of sets = 2 or 3

N = 2
N = 3

N = 4 or 5

N = 4
N = 5

Ref: D’Hont et al. (2012) The banana (Musa acuminata) genome and the evolution of monocotyledonous plants. Nature 488, 213–217

Venn diagram not practical for N ≥ 6

UpSet: a novel vis for set interaction

How to read UpSet plot

Ref: UpSet official website

The banana plot redrawn

UpSet tools

Ref: Web version of UpSet using example Fruit dataset.


An analysis pipeline

bwa mem genome.fa A.fastq | \
    samtools view -Sb - > mapped_reads/A.bam
samtools sort -T sorted_reads/A \
    -O bam mapped_reads/A.bam > sorted_reads/A.bam
samtools index sorted_reads/A.bam  # generate A.bam.bai

# repeat for A, B, C fastq
samtools mpileup -g -f genome.fa {A,B,C}.bam | \
    bcftools call -mv - > calls/all.vcf

Pipeline by a bash script

fastq=( "A.fastq" "B.fastq" "C.fastq" )
for i in "${fastq[@]}"; do
    # generate mapped.bam
    # generate sorted.bam
    # generate sorted.bam.index

samtools mpileup -g -f genome.fa sorted_reads/{A,B,C}.bam | \
    bcftools call -mv - > calls/all.vcf

Problem for bash script


rule bwa_map:
        "bwa mem {input} | samtools view -Sb - > {output}"

Job dependency DAG graph

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